Book Review The Life and Lessons of a Young Author

Book Review The Life and Lessons of a Young Author

Author Sunayna Prasad is also known for her series Alyssa McCarthy’s Magical Missions Series.  The Life Lessons of a Young Author is a vision and the author’s personal journey to becoming a published author.

The author jumps right in with the importance of authenticity. Being an avid reader I thought an important part of the Lessons is to have professional editors and proofreaders to catch all the errors and typos.

Life Lessons is a quick read with lots of resources, its a perfect read for an inspiring author or first-time author. This book is refreshing with true lessons.  Sunayna Arya Prada breaks the book down into eight sections.


Book Description:

Whether you are young or old, The Life and Lessons of a Young Author can offer those who dream of finding the right path in the world of writing and publishing. Sunayna Prasad shares her experience as a young author and discusses what went well for her and what she suggests to those who long for success.

Talking about her life as a published writer, Sunayna Prasad teaches you the rules of the writing craft and the standards of the publishing world, as well as additional tips and tricks. The Life and Lessons of a Young Author can help you choose your own writing and publishing paths.

Book Details:

Book Title:  The Life and Lessons of a Young Author by Sunayna Prasad
Category:  YA Non-fiction, 19 pages
Genre:  Writing
Publisher:  Amazon KDP
Release date:  Sept 1, 2018
Format available for review:  ebook (PDF)
Tour dates: Aug 13 to 31, 2018
Content Rating: G


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